CurrentDesk is excited to announce that we are participating in the Innovator Inquisition at FXIC Shanghai which will take place on the 9th – 10th of December 2014. Staff members will be available to discuss the challenges that brokers face and to present CurrentDesk’s solutions. We have started scheduling personal demonstrations of both CurrentBusiness and CurrentRisk. CurrentBusiness is our integrated CRM, back office, treasury and compliance system while CurrentRisk is our reconciliation and risk management tool. If you would like to book a time slot please schedule a demonstration or… read more →
Adhering to a philosophy of delivering platform and technology agnostic solutions, CurrentDesk has integrated MetaFX MAM into their broker management software, CurrentBusiness. Integration with MetaFX MAM as well as other MAM providers is unorthodox given that CurrentBusiness already includes an effective MAM system. However, CurrentDesk believes that with this flexibility clients will be able to concentrate on business management within CurrentBusiness. Decisions like this show that CurrentDesk is committed to providing holistic solutions that allow clients to use whatever tools and platforms they prefer. Observing fragmentation and incompatibilities within the… read more →
With an increase in the sophistication of traders and growing demand for a wider range of trading products and trading platform, brokers have been adding trading systems to their offerings. As a result operations teams are finding it more challenging to run the business and require additional staff to meet demand. Managing multiple platforms and even multiple servers of the same brand means middle office and back office need to run a larger variety of reports and keep track of more diverse data in order to keep track of the… read more →
One of the most difficult challenges that Forex brokers back office staff face is reconciling the accounting methods utilized in trading platforms with those methods used by the clearing agent be it an institutional liquidity provider or prime broker. In other words retail trading platform apply P&L, commissions, swaps and other charges differently than how the clearing partner applies them and as a result aggregate equity changes on the platform do not match equity changes at the clearing partner. Since the equity changes on the frontend do not correspond to… read more →